Organizing to block Far right's PeerTube instance from the Fediverse and isolate them from us.
The list is available here: /list
On this list you can find instances dedicated to hate content as well as unmoderated instances used for that purpose.
You can help by reporting instances.
On (account required): New Report.
The automute plugin for PeerTube use a json list to mute instances or account.
PeerTube Isolation in JSON. You can follow it as you would follow the mute list of a PeerTube instance.
A raw list of URLs is available here: /list/peertube_isolation.txt.
For example you can use it on uBlock Origin (Settings > Filters lists > Custom) or on PiHole.
You can subscribe to the RSS feed: /list/feed.xml
~~You can follow on the fediverse.~~ It is no longer active.
You are free to use this list as a source for larger blocklists. Attribution is appreciated but not mandatory.